RedStarKettlebell benchmarks : the purpose

StrongFirst school of strength has several big goals. Sinister, Snatch-test and other SFG 1 requirements, Beast Tamer & Iron Maiden Challenge, to name just a few. Those goals give to our students a ‘point on the horizon’ sort of target. But for their day-to-day practice, those goals may seem daunting or even unrealistic. With RedStarKettlebell benchmarks, our intention is to provide our students with intermediary goals on their journey to the big ones.

Another purpose is to ingrain the importance of technical practice. We do that by enforcing StrongFirst standards in every exercise composing RedStarKettlebell benchmarks. During the events, the judge stops the attempt after the third no-count, just like during the SFG Snatch-test.

Yet another purpose of our benchmarks is to test different types and combinations of strength qualities. The absolute strength of Starship Trooper may be as far as it gets from the aerobic power of Snatch Machine, but they both contribute to a well-rounded physical development.

Finally, an additional purpose of RedStarKettlebell benchmarks is to illustrate different StrongFirst training formats and methods. For example, complexes (Deep Six and Double Trouble), but also strength aerobics (Terminator, La Forge, Iron Man, or Total Recall). Of course, all the benchmarks have the time component proper to the ‘test during an event’ format. But simply by loosening it up or taking it away completely, and by varying loading parameters, RedStarKettlebell benchmarks allow to create several weeks of training plans and sessions. We believe those plans would advance any student on his/her way to the technical proficiency and strength.

RedStarKettlebell benchmarks

RedStarKettlebell benchmarks : descriptions

Below, you will find the descriptions of RedStarKettlebell benchmarks. During our events, you can choose the weight freely. The lowest weight is 12 kg, then 16, 20, and so on by 4 kg jumps.


  • Two-arm swing
  • Goblet squat.

Upon the judge’s command Go! the student will execute 10 two-arm swings. The judge will count the reps on the top. If the rep doesn’t meet SFG technique stadards, instead of announcing the new rep count, the judge will announce No count! After all the swings have been completed, the student will execute the goblet clean and will wait for the judge’s command Squat! to start the set of 10 goblet squats. The judge will count the reps on the top. If the rep doesn’t meet SFG technique stadards, instead of announcing the new rep count, the judge will announce No count!  After all the squats have been completed, the student will wait for the judge’s command Swing! to start the next set of 9 swings, and then 9 goblet squats in the same conditions. He will follow with the sets of 8, 7 and so on, all the way to 1 swing and 1 goblet squat, never putting the bell down.


10-10, 9-9, 8-8, …, 2-2, 1-1 without putting the bell down. Attention! Student has to finish all the reps of the current set of swings before doing a half-swing to change the grip for the GSQ.

Number of reps: 55 two-arm swings, 55 goblet squats

Time cap: Unlimited.

Pauses: Unlimited but only standing, KB in the goblet rack, not touching the chest.

Terminator T-800


Inverted get-up.


The student will bring the bell overhead in any safe manner. For example, a cheat clean and a push-press. Upon judge’s command Go! the student will get down on the floor using the standard SFG get-up technique. Without putting the bell on the ground, the student will wait for judge’s command Up! to reverse the movement. Upon returning to the standing position with the KB overhead, the student will wait for judge’s command Down! to return the bell to the ground in a safe manner. The next minute, the student will execute another rep on the other side in the same conditions.


1 rep EMOM, switching sides every rep

Number of reps: 20 (10 per side)

Time cap: 20 minutes

Pauses: time left before the next minute/rep.

La Forge

  • Snatch
  • Military press

Upon judge’s command Snatch! the student will bring the bell ovehead using the hard style snatch technique. Then, upon judge’s command Rack! the student will bring the KB from overhead to the rack. Upon judge’s command Press! the student will press the bell back up. Upon judge’s command Down! the student will return the bell to the ground as if finising the snatch. After a brief pause, the student will execute another rep on the other side, in the same conditions.


1 snatch & press every 30 seconds, switching sides on every rep

Number of reps: 24 total, 12 per side

Time cap: 12 minutes

Pauses: time left before the next 30 seconds/rep.

Snatch Machine


Hard style snatch.


The student will execute a set of 50 hard style snatches in the conditions of an SFG Snatch-test. Neither hand-switch nor parking the bell is allowed. The student may rest in the vertical plank position (the SFG standard applies). After the first set of 50, the student is allowed to park the bell and rest as long as needed. Then, the student will resume with another set of 50 hard style snatches in the same conditions.


SFG Snatch-test in two sets of 50 reps

Number of reps: 100

Time cap: 5 minutes

Pauses: as long as needed between the sets (the timer keeps running)

Deep Six

  • Swing
  • Clean & press
  • Front squat
  • Snatch
  • Get-up

The student will start by executing 10 hard style swings.

After the 10th swing, the student will clean the bell and wait for judge’s command Press! Upon judge’s command, the student will press the bell until a full lockout and wait for judge’s command Rack! The student will then bring the bell down to the rack and wait for judge’s command Clean! Upon judge’s command, the student will execute four more reps of clean & press in the same conditions.

After bringing the bell to the rack to finish the 5th rep, the student will wait for judge’s command Squat! The student will then descend into the squat while maintaining the rack position. Reaching the bottom, the student will stop and hold the position, waiting for judge’s command Up! Upon judge’s command, the student will return to standing, while respecting all the SFG squat standards. The student will then execute four more reps in the same conditions.


Execution (continued):

After the 5th squat, the student will wait for judge’s order Snatch! to execute one hard style snatch. The student will lock out the bell overhead and wait again for judge’s order Snatch! to execute the second rep. The student will then execute three more reps of hard style snatch.

After the 5th snatch, the student will hold the overhead lockout position and will wait for judge’s command Go! Upon command, the student will execute the get-down portion of the SFG get-up. Reaching the supine position, the student will stop all movement and wait for judge’s order Up! Upon the order, the student will return to standing, passing through all the transitions of the SFG get-up.

Upon returning to standing with the bell overhead, the student will wait for judge’s order Down! to bring the bell down with the excentric portion of the snatch, and then switch hands through a half-swing. After switching hands, the student will repeat the whole sequence in the same conditions as before, starting with 10 hard style swings.

  • Swing x 10
  • Clean & press x 5
  • Front squat x 5
  • Snatch x 5
  • Inverted get-up x 1
  • Switch sides and repeat

Number of reps: 20 Swings, 10 cleans, 10 presses, 10 front squats, 10 snatches, 2 get-ups.

Time cap: unlimited

Pauses: only brief pauses (up to 3 breath cycles) are allowed between exercises.

Double Trouble

  • Swing
  • Clean
  • Press
  • Front Squat

The student will start by executing 5 double swings. After the 5th swing, the student will execute one double clean and will wait for judge’s command Clean! to execute the second rep. The student will the execute three more reps in the same conditions for a total of 5 double cleans.

After the 5th clean, the student will wait with KB in the rack for judge’s command Press! The student will then press the Kettlebells to a full lockout and wait for judge’s command Rack! to return to the rack. Upon judge’s command, the student will execute four more reps in the same conditions.

Upon lowering the bells into the rack after the 5th press, the student will wait for judge’s order Squat! The student will then descend into the squat while maintaining the rack position. Reaching the bottom, the student will stop and hold the position, waiting for judge’s command Up! Upon judge’s command, the student will return to standing, while respecting all the SFG squat standards. The student will then execute four more reps in the same conditions.

After the 5th squat, the student will wait for judge’s command Swing! to execute 5 more double swings before parking the bells. Upon finishing the set, the student will have exactly 1 minute break before starting the next set.

  • Set #1 (5 double swings  – 5 double cleans – 5 doubles presses – 5 double front squats – 5 double swings)
  • Pause (1 minute)
  • Set #2
  • Pause (1 minute)
  • Set #3

Number of reps: 30 double swings, 15 double cleans, 15 double presses, 15 double front squats.

Time cap: none.

Pauses: 1 minute between sets.


Starship Trooper

  • Tactical pull-up
  • Military press
  • Pistol squat

This benchmark is essentially a step-stone toward the Beast Tamer & Iron Maiden challenge. The student must execute one tactical pull-up, one press on each side and one pistol squat on each side. To start the attempt, the student will first be equiped with the KB on a dip belt. The time will start with the student standing on a box, hands on the pull-up bar.

If the first pull-up is a no-count, the student may choose to try a second time directly or to get rid of the belt and proceed with presses and pistols. The student will still have to pass the pull-up within the 10-minute time frame, putting on the belt included. Pistols and presses may be executed in any order. A second no-count in any exercise stops the attempt.

  • Tactical pull-up
  • Military press and pistol squat in any order

Number of reps: one tactical pull-up, one press on each side, one pistol squat on each side. One no-count is allowed for each exercise on each side.

Time cap: 10 minutes total.

Pauses: as long as needed within the time frame.